On 27/02/2015 8:41 PM, dkise...@osm.me wrote:
27.02.2015, 14:33, "Warin" <61sundow...@gmail.com>:

  On an architectural drawing, a stairway arrow points upwards.

  As specified in international standard ISO 6790 .. and copied in British 
Standards B.S. 1192 ... Australian/New Zealand Standards ANZS 1100... and 
probably in American Standards ..

  Google "ISO drawing standard stairway arrow"  The above standards numbers 
come from the google search .. it may just be the primary number .. with further sections 
that would need to be looked up for the extended number for the precise stairway up arrow 

  OSM should follow established standards when available.

It may be a good practice to align our steps ways accordingly common 
architectural drawing practices,
but I'm afraid, that there is only a tiny bit of stairwas mapped accordingly to 
this standards for now.


And the longer the documentation is left open the more things will be tagged incorrectly even with the best of intention from the mapper.

They should be tagged consistently at least, at the moment one person does it one way, another the other way. There is no direction from the documentation so it is a free for all.

Very poor OSM.
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