In my area, the symbols and corresponding network are the same despite
leading across completely paved tracks or following small, steep and
muddy paths.

How would you describe the differences and how do you handle mixed cases ?

All the attributes can be obtained from the tags of the ways and the
distance and time completely subjective as you can simply walk some
metres along a iwn.

Ok, despite the value "hiking" I would prefer to group all
walking/hiking routes and have a different value or at least additional
tags in combination with route=foot for city (tourist) walks.

The outcome needs to be added to the wiki as the is non for route=foot
ATM and we need to evaluate the use-cases in advance.

cu fly

Am 04.03.2015 um 04:48 schrieb Steve Bennett:
> Huh. And here in Australia (well, at least amongst the people I know) the
> difference between a "hike" and any other form of walking is strictly
> whether it's more than one day. A daywalk is, well, a day or less, and a
> hike is two or more days.
> But that doesn't cause me any concerns using "route=hiking".
> On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 11:37 PM, Philip Barnes <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 2015-03-02 at 13:06 +0100, Marc Gemis wrote:
>>> In Belgium and The Netherlands we have tagged all the regional walking
>>> networks as foot. With this system of walking networks it is possible
>>> to plan walks as short as 2-3 km and and long as a few hundred
>>> kilometers. For me the short walks are no hikes, but that might be the
>>> wrong interpretation.
>>> We had some discussion about this (foot vs hiking) a few years ago. We
>>> decided to stay with foot because that was used in The Netherlands and
>>> Germany. And because some of those networks cross the border, it did
>>> look appropriate to change it only in Belgium.
>> In UK English, the language of OSM, hike has extreme connotations.
>> Hiking implies a route over extreme ground and a forced high pace. If I
>> was to describe one of my ramblers walks as 'a hike' I would not get
>> many takers.
>> US English uses the term hike to describe a walk in the countryside,
>> which is the usage I suspect Fly is using.
>> Having done a Overpass Turbo query on route=foot locally, it returns the
>> Shropshire Way and Severn Way. I would not use the term hike to describe
>> either, route=foot is absolutely appropriate.
>> Phil (trigpoint)

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