On 06/05/2015 03:54, David Bannon wrote:
Anyway, the issue is, perhaps confusion in some minds about =camp_site and =caravan_site. Most (but not all) camp_sites will also take caravans and RV's. But Tourism=caravan_site is for the caravan ONLY type of place.

Here (in the UK) I'd differentiate such places locally as to whether they appear to be "mostly" for tents or caravans (there tend to be fewer motorhomes - what the Americans call RVs - over here than caravans). Another differentiator might be the organisation that the site is part of. If it's "The Caravan Club" it's more likely to be mostly for caravans than tents. However there seems to be more overlap between camping and caravanning organisations and sites now than there used to be, so in some cases either tag could apply equally.



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