On 10.05.2015 10:38, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
> I prefer designation=* since it it already a widely used tag that fits the
> intended purpose of the proposed admin_title=* tag. The question on whether
> the value should be human-readable or machine-readable can be solved by
> using correspondence tables to link the two. Barring such a table, I don't
> see a catastrophic problem in automatically converting "civil_parish" to
> "Civil Parish" and vice versa, to use the example in the talk page.

designation=* is widely used (193 293 times), but look at the values in
taginfo. The only relevant value is civil_parish (3346 times). All other
values are just a mess.

The automatic replacement of underscores and lowercase initials with blanks
and uppercase initials would be easy, but no application developer will
implement it, and the uppercase initials may be wrong in some cases.

It would also be easy to put a conversion table in the wiki, similar to the
tables we already have for implicit maxspeed and access values by highway
type and country. But again, application developers will ignore those tables.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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