> On May 28, 2015, at 6:22 PM, AYTOUN RALPH <ralph.ayt...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> And with this argument for a hierarchical approach we are back to the start 
> point of umbrella tags that cover all possibilities which is 
> landuse=educational as a polygon encompassing the whole area and the whole 
> range of educational facilities.
> using landuse=school excludes universities, colleges, etc  and you would then 
> need other tags landuse=university and landuse=college, which then makes the 
> landuse tagging specific instead of general.
> If we look at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:landuse the first 
> sentence is correct "Mainly used for describe the primary use of land by 
> humans."
> so the hierarchical approach should then be something like
> landuse=agriculture... agriculture would then be sub categorised with 
> farmland (worked land for crops), orchard (trees planted for their fruits), 
> vineyard, pasture, etc.
> landuse=residential (could be divided into urban and rural which have totally 
> different infrastructures)
> landuse=commercial
> landuse=industrial
> landuse=educational
> landuse=civic
> landuse=transport
> instead of the myriad of specifics that we now have like landuse=peat_cutting 
> and landuse=salt_pond....these are all sub categories of the primary use of 
> the land.
> I know this has diverted from the main topic here but I wanted to point out 
> the overall usage to highlight how my suggestion fits into the overall 
> picture.


There are advantages to certain separations (to make it easier on renders), but 
there are so many very specific land land uses, while whole categories don't 
have a single tag. 

A hierarchical system has room to accept new tags while keeping everyone on the 
same level of importance. The downside is when one group or culture sees a 
whole category in a different way - a primary road in Japan has a completely 
different meaning than the rest of OSM, for example.

But I prefer the hierarchical system - a flat tag system has good points, but 
it's so hard to document and learn, and probably to keep renderer a up to date 
- as a minor change requires a whole new tag, instead of a new sub-tag value. 


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