suggesting creation of
capacity:senior=n and capacity:priority=n
and maybe 
access=disabled for service roads / gates


Talking about stuff missing from 

We all know about the capacity:disabled=n extension on the disability key, but 
there are other very common parking types that are not represented. 

Usually large parking lots for big public retail, commercial, and now some 
government business offer separate “elderly” & “pregnant woman” parking, which 
is separate and (sometimes legally) different from disabled parking. sometimes 
this is separate and sometimes this is grouped together, as “priority” - which 
would be a more flexible value - and similar to the Japanese “priority seat” 

Also, there are parking lots for motorcycles / scooters, but there is no 
separate standardized and documented motorized cycle parking key and/or no 
capacity:scooter/moped/motobike/=n . In Japan, Bicycle is “jitensha” and 
scooters are “baiku” (bike), and often separated parking for both.,140.2925493,73m/data=!3m1!1e3 

“baiku” parking north of the driveway, “Jitensha” parking to the south. 

Japan has a “elderly” symbol, which is an optional badge to affix to a car 
(mandatory over 75) to show that it is an elderly driver, and now is used as a 
badge for “senior” parking in Japan.  This is separate from truly disabled 

Blue disabled parking and yellow “elderly” parking

We should be able to add capacity:*=n for  “motorcycle” “senior” “and 
“priority/pregnant” values should be considered. Thoughts? 

Also, disabled parking more and more recently have actual access restrictions - 
gates and driveways to access separate parking spaces that require some kind of 
transmitter or a call box for the staff to allow access to lot so only truly 
disabled people take the special spaces for specialized vehicles. i saw gates 
blocking individual parking spaces at malls.,139.5427032,72m/data=!3m1!1e3 

Access=disabled would be good for this situation, but even access=customers is 
not documented on the wiki - which seems very outdated.

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