On 28/08/2015 13:45, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
as path can be sub tagged to be the same as bridleway or cycleway and excluding pedestrians, this is simply not true

No, it can't. It _can_ be sub-tagged to have the same _access_ restrictions_ as a bridleway and cycleway, sure, and you could probably approach cycleway with smoothness etc., but what about bridleway? How do you communicate the essential "bridlewayness" of a bridleway using subtags? How do I know that my horse* won't bang his head on the trees above, can fit through the gates and won't get reprimanded for, er, making it clear where he's been**?



* imaginery, like Mark Wood's, obviously.

** and rather that just making up some tags here, now show where you've actually tagged a "highway=path bridleway" with them previously :)

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