I don't think a landuse tag is sensible, as the salt flats I have in mind
(look up some images of Salar de Uyuni to get an impression) are definitely
not something human centered. However, it might be a good tag for some of
the smaller  areas where salt is actually harvested.

The combination of natural=water , intermittant=yes and salt=yes sounds
reasonable. I do think it is a bit confusing as the saltiness is more a
property of the lake bed when it dries out than of the water when it is
filled. Maybe adding that geological=salt_pan could clarify this enough.

I don't see how the natural=desert would be wrong because of the outline
not coinciding with the deserts' end. In fact, you could argue that the
desert does end at the salt's edge; there is a very sudden shift in
vegetation and barren-ness there. The "islands" within it are really like
oasis in the desert. But even if the argument does hold, why couldn't there
be a natural=desert / desert=salt surrounded by natural=desert /desert=sand

In South Americe, these things are just called Salar, or "salted". That's
for a reason: the salt is as much the defining feature here as water is in
a lake or tree cover in a wood. So natural=salt_flat might be worthy of

2015-09-30 0:39 GMT+02:00 André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>:

> On 2015-09-29 17:29, joost schouppe wrote :
> Hi,
> I haven't found much about the subject. A salt flat is a large deposit of
> salt. They are usually where a river ends in the middle of a desert. Or
> where a valley is completely surrounded by mountains, leaving no way out
> for any water. So salt starts accumulating as salty waters evaporate. Some
> of them rarely see any water, others are inundated every year or might be
> under water a lot of the time. Because they tend to be dry most of the
> time, and plants tend to dislike pure salt, they tend to look like a desert.
> How should one tag such a thing? I've seen three very different ideas:
> You might find some inspiration by searching for "marais salant
> <https://www.google.be/search?&q=openstreetmap+marais+salant>", which is
> French for similar areas, but fitted for salt production.  The discussions
> will take you further to tags as salt_pond, natural=wetland and the like.
> As salt is cheap, this is just 2 ¢. €¢.
> André.

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