On 06.10.2015 19:31, Florian Lohoff wrote:
>> So if "destination" excludes off-wanderers and sightseers, what tag do you
>> use when you need to include them?
> Whats the possible signage which can induce that?

"no through traffic"
"no thru traffic"
"local traffic only"

In Austria:
Fahrverbot + Zusatztafel "Zufahrt gestattet"
Fahrverbot + Zusatztafel "ausgenommen Ziele in..."
"Durchfahrt verboten"
"Durchgang verboten"

The latter two are no traffic signs in terms of StVO, but they are valid
anyway due to other laws such as ABGB.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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