On 2015-11-14 19:35, Frederik Ramm wrote :
> André,
>    OSM is not a place for condolences in note tags.
> I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but sticking to facts is what keeps most
> conflicts out of OSM - if something is observable on the ground, we map
> it, and if not, we (mostly) don't.
> Emotions are one such thing we don't map.
> Yes, a tragedy has happened, or more precisely a horrific crime; and
> yes, you and I and many others wish to extend our hearfelt condolences
> to the victims and their families. But OpenStreetMap is not the right
> medium to do that.
> There are many places in the world where tragedy, crime and injustice
> have happened on a grand scale. But we don't have condolence messages in
> OSM at Auschwitz, Srebrenica, or Columbine, and for a reason - because
> we as a community can't "feel" sympathy, only individuals can. How would
> we decide where to put such messages and how to word them, and what
> would we do in situations where a tragedy has happened but people
> disagree about who's the victim and who the perpetrator?
> Let's stick to facts on the ground and keep our emotions out of OSM,
> hard as it may seem.
>> By Monday, you may like to send the URL to the Press.
> Please don't. By giving the world the idea that OSM is a place to
> express emotions, you will invite everyone to express theirs, and
> certainly not all emotions are friendly and peaceful.
>> But let us hope that vandalism will not be added to terrorism.
> That's exactly what you are inviting here. You may have the best
> intentions but you're doing the wrong thing.
> Bye
> Frederik

Thanks for your time writing that explanation.
I wanted to revert that update (1).
But I got in trouble with revert conflicts and I panicked.
It turned out that, while you were writing, M!dgard
<http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/M%21dgard> had already silently
removed it.
Is it normal OSM practice to step on each other's feet?
Like one day:
X: help! can you explain this?
me, helpfully: I don't see what you describe in OSM
Y had read X and silently changed OSM.
It made me feel like no longer wanting to help.

And BTW, I once was falsely accused of bad tagging in 3 changesets
visible for 100 objects.
Nobody made your remarks.
While I admit that OSM is not a place for kind condolences, I wonder if
it is one for insults.



(1) definitely but reluctant to do immediately because I received
heartbreaking thanks from mappers about that.

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