On 2015-11-27 22:16, Georg Feddern wrote :
> Am 27.11.2015 um 15:46 schrieb André Pirard:
>> Have you noticed that some borderlines are *hexaplicated* (that they
>> appear in 6 different relations) and that *that* is unhealthy
>> redundancy that is made unnecessary by subareas?
>> And that, unlike wanting to destroy an enemy, the programs I spoke of
>> would be a great help building and checking the boundary ways mess
>> using the non duplicated, simple, clean UK=England+Wales+Scotland
>> subarea definitions?
> Well, next usecase then:
> I want the border/outline of any of those entities ... and not the area.
> Mostly there are two sides of a view - or two views on one problem ...
An area is defined with its border.
Read a previous subarea thread where I explain how the borders can be
recursively, automatically computed from the level below but that it's
good to keep them at each level, but as a trouble-free and error-free cache.



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