
> On Feb 14, 2016, at 2:09 PM, Andrew Errington <erringt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Changing the tags because you don't like the rendering is not the right 
> approach.  It would be better to lobby for a change of rendering, or use a 
> different renderer.

Since everything from a sidewalk, a concrete path, a well worn dirt path 
through the grass around a park, a rough trail through the desert, and a trail 
up the side of Mt Fuji all have the same vague, meaningless highway=path tag - 
there is no differentiation possible, so there is no rendering differentiation 
possible. In any renderer. 

The only way to separate sidewalks from hiking trails is to a) abolish or 
severely restrict the usage of the path tag, which people don't want to do, b) 
create Highway=trail key which people don't want to do, so I'd like to not have 
a grossly inferior (and I mean borderline useless) walking map, so what is left 
is to use c) a sub key to get the trails differentiated, so a rough hiking path 
up a mountain or along a riverbed isn't confused with the sidewalks and 
pedestrian walkways that are often nearby or intermingled where urban meets 
rural. I happened upon path=hiking - someone made it already. 

Not being able to define a rough trail and have it rendered different that the 
other, more urban footways is the same as if all unclassified, residential, 
service, and track were all rendered the same. 

Not only do we have all those grades of small roads, we have 5 (!five!) grades 
of track. They (used to?) all get their own rendering too. 

Can there be at least 1 trail-ish thing that isn't rendered exactly the same as 
a 1m wide flat concrete path through a park?  We can at least document this as 
"in use" to try to mitigate the conflict caused by path and footway used to do 
the same job in different regions? 

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