> On 17 feb. 2016, at 21:22 Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Generally, when the definitions in OSM are different from what a person 
> speaking the language might expect, it doesn't work. The issue here:
> "small" "a few meters high" seems not pertinent for radio masts which are 
> among the tallest man made structures on earth, particularly when made of 
> concrete or steel they can be hundreds of meters high. A quick image search 
> confirms this (no small structures at all had been found)

I was talking about a mast, not about towers.
The wiki (how “unlucky" it may be) is clear on the difference between a mast 
and a tower. [1]

> From a mast I'd expect to have guy wires, while a tower should typically be 
> freestanding, so the word "small tower" doesn't seem to be a lucky choice 
> either.

I don’t expect guy wires, neither does the wiki, nor have I ever seen them in 
use for all (55 or so) man_made=mast structures that are in my neighbourhood 
(in the Nehterlands). Typically “small” masts of steel or concrete and about 5 
- 15 meters high.

But that was not my question in the first place, I asked for the use of:




[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dmast 
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