Hi Joost,

The main wiki entry on building tagging says this about building tagging:

"In addition outlines can either be simplified shapes or very detailed outlines which conform accurately to the shape of the building. It is not uncommon for buildings to initially be described as simple group outlines later be improved with more detailed outlines and to be split into individual properties."


I think that fits in well with the idea that mapping and tagging can be refined as part of the overall mapping process.

Although, I always encourage people to outline the individual buildings if you can tell they are individual building units, even with a shared wall.

The downside of not strictly encouraging that style of mapping is large blocks of buildings being outlined with one building=yes tag which is much less useful for most use cases of building footprints.

So for me only in the most extreme circumstances will I use a single building outline for what I suspect might be multiple individual buildings, but I do it once in a while if there is just no way to reliably distinguish what might be individual buildings.


On 3/16/2016 3:47 PM, joost schouppe wrote:
Is it OK to map multiple buildings as one closed line with the
building=yes tag? Or does building=yes imply it is one single building?
There is the terrace value, but that implies one orderly structure, not
the hodgepodge of houses, buildings and extensions that define
organically grown blocks.

There are a couple of "multiple" values too, which make sense, but is
undocumented and maybe overly precise.

Joost @
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