On 29/03/2016 5:53 AM, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
Warin wrote on 2016/03/28 00:21:
Athletics is another case where multiple disciplines are performed on the same pitch/track.


Running sports have a particular track, not used for shot put, hammer, discus, long jump etc etc. I don't think long jump pitches are not used for any other sport? Do you have an example? Discus and hammer throws can share the same 'cage' ... but that means those 'caged' areas cannot be used for javelin, high jump, pole vault etc.

Sorry. No personal dispute/attack here. Just trying to get the detail and some small understanding. OK?

Not all on the same of course. But as there is a high chance that more than one sport is performed on a particular one, as you just acknowledged, a yes/no scheme is more
helpful than a bunch of contradicting duck tags.

Example, small school sports ground with straight track used for sprint+jump:

Thrower place used for 3 kinds:

I would map each sport as individual pitches/tracks (running is a track type thing). Then add the relevant sport to the individual pitch/track. That way I can 'see' where each sport is.

> So .. you see sport=running as viable.
> Then using the same logic sport=shot_put is also viable ... and so on for the other 'athletic' sports.

No I just said I would tolerate its existence. So will I also tolerate your thrower's pitch tagged sport=shot_put, unless I see a kid throwing pebbles from there, then I'll come and retag it sport=athletics + athletics:shot_put=yes + athletics:pebble_throw=yes, because I can't
encode the pebbles otherwise.

As individuals .. it is not upto 'us' to dictate what is used. :-)

The present 'system' in the sports key is duck tagging.
For example ... football could have been tagged

But it is duct tagged
sport=rugby_union   ... not even sport=rugby, rugby=rugby_union !

Is one method better than the other? I don't think there is a clear winner there, more personal opinion.

My present thinking is to put up both systems .. and see what mappers prefer ... much like the swimming_pool thing where both amenity and leisure used it for some time to see what the mappers used most.

To get back to part of my original question ... shot_put looks to be preferred over shotput.

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