
I was trying to tag laundromat (laundry vending machine), but found theres nothing like this on Wiki:


However we have vending=laundry_detergent documented with just a few uses in Taginfo. There are also a few that can be used for a laundrymat:


I would vote for vending=laundry (it's simpler) and add it to this wiki to avoid confusion as early as possible.


I'm also not sure if we should make another exception (like amenity=photo_booth instead of amenity=vending_machine+vending=photo) for parcel boxes.

The problem is they can be used both for picking and dropping boxes, resulting in ugly "vending=parcel_pickup;parcel_mail_in". I would rather like it to be tagged as amenity=parcel_box, because: 1. It's more universal (we can make parcel_pickup=yes/no and parcel_mail_in=yes/no when we know exactly, which is not always clear when tagging) 2. We would avoid semicolon notation, which is much more popular case (1 761) than both vending=parcel_pickup (447) and vending=parcel_mail_in (339) combined.

"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

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