Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 6/24/2016 2:00 AM, Michael Tsang wrote:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/learner_driver
>> The proposed feature *learner driver* is to tag the legal access of
>> a highway by a vehicle driven by a learner driver. It is similar to
>> Key:access#Transport mode restrictions
>> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access#Transport_mode_restrictions>
>> for tagging the legal access by transport mode.
> Does not make human sense.
> Might be better tagged access:learner_driver=no/yes ? This clearly
> identifies it as an access function.

And, it would be good to first thing about how access rights for learner
drivers differs from regular drivers.   I can't think of any difference
around me (although learners are required to have an adult real driver
with them, and not allowed to drive late at night, etc.).
I wonder, if it's the case that learners can drive on most roads, if it
would be better to tag the roads that they are banned from (but regular
drivers can use). vs the roads they can use.

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