On 11/5/16 10:58 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> interesting case, because it is an example that "official languages"
> can be set on sub-country level as well (many states have defined
> English as their official language).
> It could also be argued that English is the defacto official language
> in the USA, even if there is no law that states this, because all
> legislation and jurisdiction (?) takes place in English (I am not sure
> about this, maybe Native American Reservations etc. have different
> languages?).
i'm sure the tribes probably regard their own languages as "official". given
the peculiar status of the reservations (sovereign except for when congress
decides they're not) i can't say i really know how that issue resolves.
(it also
makes admin boundaries nasty - are they separate nations or aren't they?)


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