2017-01-12 6:40 GMT+01:00 <roadsgu...@gmail.com>:

> I certainly use route relations, and since ref is only really used for the
> renderer, I don’t know what I was thinking ref:forward and ref:backward
> would be useful for…

Tagging considerations are not "for the renderer", it's about how the world
can be abstracted to be stored in such a way that the information you are
interested in can be found in the data.

Regarding the "forward" and "backward" roles for way members of routes:
they refer to the direction of the way (member), not to the direction of
the relation. If you want to map a route which goes from A to B it will
typically be different from a route that goes from B to A (because of dual
carriage ways and other (even short) oneway roads (like links, ramps) ,
etc.), and the solution is to map 2 routes and eventually connect them with
a route master.

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