I think this is a great solution.
It is not possible to over-estimate the amount of work and skill involved
in classification of imagery from any source. It is great for the OSM
community to think that we can map the streets of the world, it is a
different matter to map vegetation types.


On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Michael Patrick <geodes...@gmail.com>

> Have you considered using landsat-8 or sentinel-2 to get current landcover
>> using the QGIS plugin Semi-Automatic Classification? Landviewer [1] has a
>> nice interface for finding imagery that is cloud free and of recent
>> vintage? The learning curve to landcover classification is a bit steep,
>> but
>> it should be sufficiently accurate for remote areas.... Clifford
> Scandanavian Forest services already have extremely detailed web services
> to provide this information ... '*Many users want to see how much forest
> there is in a specified area, estimate its average age, and to see which
> tree species it contains. SLU Forest Map contains spatial information with
> a high degree of detail over most of Sweden's forestland. SLU Forest Map is
> based on a combination of data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory
> <https://www.slu.se/en/Collaborative-Centres-and-Projects/the-swedish-national-forest-inventory/>
> and satellite data <https://saccess.lantmateriet.se/portal/saccess_se.htm>
> ...  SLU Forest Map is available free of charge as either a download or
> within our web based GIS application.*'
> ... including delivery to *MineCraft* ...  ('Examples of the use of open
> geodata in Minecraft
> <http://www.lantmateriet.se/en/Maps-and-geographic-information/Maps/oppna-data/hamta-filer-till-minecraft/anvandningsexempel/#>')
> ... now that's Open Data!
> My guess is the permits for future operations are online also. Such an
> inventory is is a non-trivial task
> <http://www.pobonline.com/articles/100691-forestry-by-way-of-aerial-imagery-remote-sensing-gis>,
> especially maintaining it.
> A better way to handle this would be a federated page that layers OSM and
> the forestry web service(s).
> Michael Patrick
> Data Ferret
> OSM Seattle
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