> On Apr 17, 2017, at 9:46 AM, Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org> wrote:
> draw the campus of the motel including their houses and parking, tag that 
> landuse=commercial and tourism=motel

This is why I love landuse for buildings. I use this method to map most 
business and factories.  (Landuse=retail+name=* and then Building=retail 
inside, with driveways and parking lots as well) works great for multi-building 
apartment complexes. Unlike the suburban US, most everything in Japan has a 
concrete wall or a chain link fence on the property line (you can see the 
stone/plastic property line markers in the wall/ground if you do a ground 
survey, so assuming the walls are always a property lines is a safe assumption) 
so it is really easy to "landuse" everything. 

Its why I really want a landuse=civic or equivalent for the government/city 
hall/tax office Kind of complexes.

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