On Friday 21 April 2017, Chris Hill wrote:
> A leat is a very specific thing. It is certainly not a canal, but
> neither is it a ditch nor drain. I would favour waterway=leat. That
> describes, unambiguously, exactly what it is.

I guess from your perspective it is but please try to define the meaning 
of waterway=leat for non-native English speakers from a completely 
different part of the world in a way that clearly tells them when to 
use this tag and when to use a different one.

For native English speakers this is often much more difficult - you try 
to synchronize your use of waterway=canal/ditch/drain with your 
understanding of these terms in your language - and inevitably fail 
with that attempt.  I just use these tags as defined on the wiki or as 
they are used by other mappers and don't concern myself with the 
inherent meaning of the value outside OSM.

Christoph Hormann

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