
Am 01.09.2017 um 00:54 schrieb Viking:
I think we should find a solution also for 10% of hydrants that don't have a 
type/pressure/water_source, or we will never have a definitive solution.
Considering that in some countries pressurized hydrants are not 
distuinguishable from not pressurized ones, I'm starting to think that the only 
way is to revert to the previous approach and define:
- hydrant: a device with couplings used to take water, pressurized or not. 
pressure=* will distinguish among them. water_source=* can complete the 
- suction point: a place to park the fire engine and put down your hoses and 
sounds good for me. keep it simple.
Anyway fire_hydrant:type=pond should be deprecated in favour of 
i agree.

i could not follow the whole discussion. and therefore two "stupid" questions:

when you say "hydrant", you meen "emergency=fire_hydrant"  ok?
and the substag fire_hydrant:type will specify the subtypes (underground, pillar, ...) ok?

i can and would like to accept any solution, which goes this simple way.

walter, aka wambacher

btw: https://wambachers-osm.website/emergency/#zoom=14&lat=50.10973&lon=8.09932&layer=Openstreetmap.org%20Grayscale&overlays=FFTTTFFFFFFF trying to visualize the existing tagging. would like to get it simpler.

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