
Am 2017-09-19 um 09:32 schrieb Topographe Fou:
> From my understanding it would open even more the door to advertising and I 
> don't see any added value from a map point of view (no usefull data for the 
> user).
> Moreover, in your exemple, I don't see the point to repeat on all McDonald's 
> the same tag. A separate database with brand data would fit more your need 
> (Wikidata?).


We already have the "problem" that companies whose business is adding
shops/restaurants/etc. to all the map providers add their clients to OSM
which itself were no problem if they don't add lengthy, non-factual
description=* tags. OSM is a project to collect facts. Slogans are not
facts and I myself don't love McDonald's.

Best regards


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