On 20 September 2017 at 00:13, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> And another one from the ragged edge of tagging.
> iD has a preset for shop=appliance
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Appliance_Store , I
> assume for shops that sell larger electrical goods washing machines,
> dryers, fridges and so on (in German so called  "weisse Ware"). It seems
> that historically this wasn't popular and it was suggested to use
> shop=electronics
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Delectronics . The later
> would seem to work reasonably well for the large consumer electronics
> markets that sell essentially everything from DVDs, over drones, TVs,
> computers and washing machines. But not for smaller shops that are
> specialized on just such larger appliances.
> Any thoughts?
> Simon

In Australia, we also have White Goods, which, as you say, are primarily
big things (but not necessarily coloured white! :-)): fridges / freezers,
washing machines, stoves / ovens etc, but they usually also sell computers,
DVDs, music CDs, phones & so on. I think "Appliance Store" is correct for

We also have (to name one) Jaycar Electronics https://www.jaycar.com.au/,
which sells plugs, switches & all manner of electronic componentry, same as
Tandy & Radio Shack do (did?) in the US. I would think these would be
shop=electronics, although there is also a listing for shop=radiotechnics?

> PS: no, I don't think it is acceptable to have to enumerate and query
> every possible kind of good a shop can sell to find out what its main
> kind of business is.

Agree with you entirely!


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