There's been a similar question regarding
ford <> in
A mapper insisted that intermittent wouldn't fit to highway.

Description in ford <> :
intermittent <>=*
used to indicate that a waterway (river, stream, etc.) does not have a
permanent flow, so the ford may also be dry at times.
Split the highway between the riverbanks and apply *ford*=yes
<> to this segment (in
addition to all other information pertaining to the highway).

Am 04.11.2017 um 09:19 schrieb Andrew Harvey:
> On 4 November 2017 at 18:04, Max <
> <>> wrote:
>     How to tag a way that is only passable for 3 hours during low tide?
> I would add to indicate
> the way is within the tidal range, but you'd probably still want
> another tag to set access restrictions based on tide. 
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