On 03-Dec-17 08:12 AM, Daniel Koć wrote:
W dniu 02.12.2017 o 21:40, Warin pisze:

Mixed vegetation or vegetation of any type is a landcover, not a landuse.

The use of landcover and landuse tags would help mappers and consumers separate these features correctly.

So what do you think about:

Function tag (which might represent a lot of green forms):

To me, "urban_green" is not a land use. I don't see "urban_green" as a good value. What use is it put to? Park, recreation, something else? The use of "green" implies a land cover .. not a good thing in a land use key.

Form tag (which can be used for different functions):

Mixed vegetation? Possibly better with separated values grass, trees, shrubs???

For me it makes sense, since we could indicate different cases of form and function properly. It also allows to use them separately if you're not sure what the function is (surveying) or what is the form (armchair mapping).

BTW: there is a discussion on osm-carto about rendering landcover tag, which I reopened lately, since it does not look like done:


Many existing tags would be better depreciated and gradually migrated to other more specific tags.

Exactly. My aim is not just to stop showing old tags, but rather to stop abusing them and help people migrate them to something more appropriate when needed.

Deprecation is just a tool when we can show that the current tag can be better expressed in a different ways, but even if there is a valid use for it, it's better to offload it and get back to the core meaning.

Any depreciation should include some suggestions for alternative tags - so people have an idea of what to use in place of the depreciated key/value. Possibly there might be more than one replacement.

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