Janko wrote:
> Let me show to you, the smallest cathedral in the world:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_Holy_Cross,_Nin
> It's not the seat of a bishop any more, but it was in the past (and
churches are often called cathedrals even after they lose the status of a
seat of a bishop).

> I wouldn't tag this building=cathedral, even building=church is a bit

I agree "building=*" is better used to describe form (not function).
Looking at this building in photography or real life I will not call it
"probably a cathedral", based on style, shape, size and look.
So no building=cathedral for me neither.

Martin wrote:
> If this building is considered a cathedral I would use the tag.

In the present case, it is not considered a cathedral today.

But even if it was, as said, I won't use building=cathedral and I think it
is well explained in the wiki page
at section "Architectural style of buildings"

Function (not form) might be better defined with an administrative-related
set of tags, such as discussed here:
boundary=religious_administration religion=*

> size is not everything, surely you have noticed this is from the nineth

Well, the Wikipedia page reads: built as a royal chapel, not built as a
cathedral. It was not considered a cathedral then.

-- althio
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