"On 12 March 2018 at 13:02, Bryan Housel <br...@7thposition.com> wrote:
> Searching https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/surface#values for “rubber”
> turns up a few alternatives

> rubber 258
> rubbercrumb 170
> Rubber 7
> rubberized 6
> recycled_rubber 6
> rubber_mulch 4
> rubber_crumb 3
> rubber_grass 3

Whatever the correct value turns out to be, there's an alarming level
of redundancy there.

"Rubber" and "recycled_rubber" should both be "rubber".

"rubbercrumb" and "rubber_crumb" are clearly the same concept.

I wonder if this is typical across most of our tag values?

Andy Mabbett

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