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> On 10. May 2018, at 17:41, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:
> "brand" is an artificial construct of today's global capitalist economy.
> I have nothing against OSM recording it, but I'd be loathe to afford the
> concept the same importance as corporate PR departments do.
> Knowing what brand a store belongs to is only worth anything if you
> combine that with OSM-external "knowledge" that you have gained from
> marketing material or past experiences with different branches of the
> same brand. It is not a useful fact that helps a visitor who doesn't
> know anything about the brand's supposed image.

this is partly true, more for fields where the offered goods are more or less 
the same (e.g. gasoline brands, apart from what advertising tries to convey, 
your car will run largely the same with differently branded gasoline) and less 
if you have specific needs (e.g. if you are in holiday and need your car 
repaired, you might be interested to go to an official workshop of your car’s 
brand to get original parts, or if you need a mobile phone contract you might 
want to go to a distributor of a specific brand, similarly if you are looking 
for a specific bank or insurance branch, others won’t do).

Besides this, it isn’t improbable that you already have acquired some knowledge 
and expectations based on previous experiences and are looking for a specific 
supermarket brand or chain store, e.g. fashion.

I don’t think it is something that is questioned in general, I’d read this 
discussion that the question is how to store it.

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