Looks like it's done on roundabouts in Australia?

2018-05-17 15:11 GMT+02:00 <osm.tagg...@thorsten.engler.id.au>:

> I’ve noticed there are 9377 cases of type=route tagged on ways instead of
> relations:
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/type=route
> I’ve been unable to find any documentation of this tagging approach on the
> wiki.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:route#Route_types_.28route.29
> seems to indicate that certain route=* values can be tagged on ways in
> addition to relations, specifically ferry, mtb, and nordic_walking.
> But even in that case, type=route on a way seems to be wrong?
> An overpass query excluding these 3 route types shows that the majority of
> these 9377 ways don’t fall into these specific route categories:
> https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/yTU
> So my question is, is this type of tagging actually supported by data
> consumers, or are these 9000 tagging errors?
> Cheers,
> Thorsten
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