The case I had in mind was Carto-OSM's claim to require the highest level boundary admin_level tag to be on ways & within relations. I'm unsure I'd describe it as a bug, as they haven't written any code for it yet.

Those involved claim this is not possible within Carto-OSM:<>

Read the discussion here:


On 19/05/2018 03:12, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 8:03 AM, Dave F < <>> wrote:

    On 13/05/2018 22:34, Kevin Kenny wrote:
    I've long said that the final arbiters of tagging should be...
    the people who implement the routers, renderers, navigation
    systems,. search engines, and so on


    We already have the case where Carto-OSM are requesting duplicated
    tags on ways that are already in relations as they're
    unwilling/unable to right code that manipulates relation data.

Is that a bug in the carto-osm github right now?  Even the Linux kernel killed the ext filesystem dinosaur once ext4 became a thing, and by then it already overstayed it's welcome once ext2 was widespread.  Killing the route-refs-on-ways dinosaur is long overdue.

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