25. Jun 2018 17:32 by l...@tobias-wrede.de <mailto:l...@tobias-wrede.de>:

>         > Am 25.06.2018 um 17:12 schrieb Mateusz      Konieczny:
>     >     
>>       24. Jun 2018 22:17 by >> dieterdre...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com>>> :
>>> sent from a        phone
>>>> On 24. Jun 2018, at 22:00, Mateusz Konieczny <>>>> matkoni...@tutanota.com 
>>>> <mailto:matkoni...@tutanota.com>>>>> >          wrote:
>>>>           It sounds like any type of shop may have discount shop          
>>>> variation.
>>>         usually the term discount shop refers to shops selling food        
>>> “from the pallet”, i.e. a smaller selection and less laborious        
>>> presentation, tending to bigger packages, for a cheaper price.
>>>         Sometimes also with supposed inferior quality. Nowadays also        
>>> typically sell occasionally selected non-food stuff according to        the 
>>> season (like tools, clothing, toys, even electronics like 1        laptop 
>>> or 1 phone), but usually only from 2-3 boxes, it does not        take 
>>> significant space.
>> So it is shop=convenience that is selling “from the pallet” and        is 
>> likely to be a cheaper?
>     Reading shop=discount first the kind of shop sprang to my mind that    
> sell all kinds of stuff in the range of 1-5€. Here they often have    names 
> like 1€ Store, 99c Store etc. 
>     Looking at usages on Overpass Turbo indeed many of the occurrences    are 
> that kind of stores (shop=variety?). But there are also a lot of    
> supermarkets (Aldi etc) with this tag, as well as drug stores and    hardware 
> stores it seems (I had to guess from the name where I did    not recognize 
> it). 
>     To me its obvious that the tag in its current usage is totally    
> unusable as it does not denote at all what I can expect to buy in    the 
> store. Rather there could be a tag as discount=yes showing it's    some kind 
> of discount store along the special shop=* tag.
>     So I'm perfectly fine with discouraging the use on the wiki page but    I 
> would not simply call it a duplicate of shop=variety but refer to    likely 
> tags as shop=supermarket/convenience/variety.

I attemped to improve description again - see


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