In the Netherlands and Belgiums, many trucking agencies and some industrial lots have a "Mirror adjusting place" (litteral translation of Spiegelafstelplaats), a series of markings on the ground to check the proper adjusting of a truck or bus's mirrors.

An example can be seen at and at <,4.7538161,3a,27.2y,284.58h,82.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTjb0qPL36EoA7UNCjzSwEA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656>

In Europe there are mandated mirror sets for trucks (for vehicles after 2007).

a: What is the English name for these markes
b: are they already in use on OSM?
c: if not, I propose amenity=mirror_adjustment_marks and will make a proposal on the wiki

Any suggestions?

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