On 29/07/18 20:56, Andy Townsend wrote:
What I've tended to do with clearings is:

o natural=wood for "here be trees", with leaf_type added.

o If there's a large "landuse=forest" area already and that encompasses wood, clearings, ponds etc. (and there often is), leave that as "landuse=forest" or add as "landuse=forestry" (note - that tag is in very little use)

o Add some kind of note for clearings, especially where trees have gone but are present on some imagery, and also some kind of note on tree areas that are newly planted and won't look like trees on imagery.

This is all far from perfect, especially given all the other problems of mapping in trees (not all bits of woods accessible, imagery out of date, GPS traces miles off because of the trees, etc.).
I have made many 'holes' in areas of trees. It is simple to do, and conveys the information 'here be a gap'. I usually have left no note as I can either see what is there and map it, be lazy and leave it for someone else (in which case I'll be lazy and not leave a note too) or I cannot see what is there so just leave it. I do usually add a source tag to the way ... that way future mappers can see directly where the thing came from without looking at a change set - which may have several sources!!!

I wouldn't personally remove "invalid" landuse tags* unless I had a pretty good idea of what to replace them with (usually I'd need to have been there), and I'd certainly be wary of removing information that might be useful to future mappers, even if that information is only "this was mapped by an inexperienced HOT mapper using very odd tags a long time ago".

The problem is that leaving it encourages it use and, being undocumented, it use in ways that are different for the way in which it was used. If it is a land use .. then 'clearing' is not it. It could be a yard for live stock or a camp site. It could be many useful things.. but 'clearing' is not what it is. No, 'clearing' denotes a relief in the local features - usually the vegetation coverage.

As this is not a 'landuse' but a landcover I think moving it to landcover=clearing would be a good first step. Then back that up by documenting it with 4 ways of mapping it (state what is there, state the surrounding landcover, do both of those or tag with landcover=clearing .. with some detail on the 4 methods and links to them and some comment on best to worst practice/rendering. I think that will be helpful.

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