I am really impressed by the key opening hours 

However, it is just at my threshold of understanding. I can read the examples 
and adapt it for my needs. 

In Japan, I was surprised to see shops that are "closed Tuesdays" or similar. I 
can tag those. (map the opening hours around the Tuesdays). 

But some shops are open "on the 3rd Saturday of the month, rather than being 
closed. (Sometimes it's the opposite). 

- Can someone type me the necessary tag value for such a monthly calendar 
dependant item? "Open on the 3rd Saturday from 10am-1pm"

I didn't see an example that I could adapt, or perhaps I don't understand that 
it's the one to use.   

- also, is there a way to positively define "closed Tuesdays" or similar? It 
may not be necessary, but it is a common thing to see, hopefully it is easy to 

Thanks in advance

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