15. Oct 2018 10:57 by dieterdre...@gmail.com <mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> 1. amenity=artwork
> Yes, tourism=artwork is the established tagging, but it has issues: artwork 
> has nothing at all to do with tourism

As I understand you - in your opinion it would be preferable to end with 
amenity=artwork as a 
preferred tagging.
I am not sure how it changes that we ended with tourism-artwork as a standard.

Also, "has nothing at all" is not true. Artworks are quite likely to be a 
tourism attractions.


> 2. amenity=car_repair
> For businesses offering car repair, this isn't the right tag (shop is), but 
> it doesn't mean there can't be an amenity=car_repair for place where you can 
> repair your car.

Feel free to add that deprecation applies to businesses.

Though most of amenity=car_repair would be still businesses offering car 
repair, if you want to tag

something like that it would be preferable to find a new tag.

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