Martin's example illustrates what I've been doing with bays and straits in
Alaska lately. Before I started doing this, all the bays in Alaska were
marked with simple nodes that were imported many years ago from GNIS or
somewhere. I hated that because they were all but invisible on most map
renderings. Now, I split the coastlines that define the bay into ways which
then become the boundaries of the bays, exactly as Mariusz Staniszewski did
with the Bay of Biscay. Finally, after looking at the bay's extent on the
USGS Topo map, I close the multipolygon with a way defining the end of the
bay. I copy the GNIS node tags to the multipolygon and then delete the
node.  Now, the GNIS data, the names and extent show up beautifully on the
OSM slippy map and presumably many other maps.

Straits were not marked in any way, neither by nodes from GNIS or other
mappers (Alaska has very few mappers and I'm the top OSM contributor
there). Now, with the help of multipolygons, I have a way to define straits
or narrows and to have the names render nicely. Take a look at the simple
multipolygon for Sitkalidak Passage (id:8891978) here:

So, it seems that label rendering is a function of both how a place like a
bay or strait is mapped as well as the realities of displaying labels in a
readable fashion. I'm excited to have put into place a system that works
quite nicely and doesn't duplicate any nodes to accomplish something I've
wanted to do since I started using OSM.



On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 3:14 AM Mateusz Konieczny <>

> 10. Nov 2018 14:52 by
> For OpenStreetMap rendrer:
> *
> <>*
> *Somalia, Madagasikara,Yemen **اليمن, Oman **عمان will be best if they
> have a rotate angle*
> *India does not appear, Kynia has a chance to appear if Somalia has rotate
> angle also Ghana have chance to appear if down vertically*
> Note that Default map style  on the OSM main page is not using place nodes
> for rendering countries.
> It is using relations like
> And, yes it is ignoring label role as it is a horrible idea.
> ------
> Different map styles require different label placement (as different map
> styles display
> different objects, may use labels in different languages, labels may use
> different style
> and it may be desirable to avoid blocking some objects with label - for
> example standard map
> may prefer label of coastal town to be placed on sea, map displaying sea
> routes would prefer
> to place town label inland). As result placement of this nodes is
> optimized for specific map styles,
> making them form of tagging for the renderer. )
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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
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