On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 2:28 PM Erkin Alp Güney <erkinalp9...@gmail.com>

> amenity=press anyone?

"Should we go to the park today?  Or how about the landscape gardens?  Or
watch a game of
football?  Nah, lets go to the press.  That will be a lot of tun.

Oh damn, this is no fun at all.  I thought it was going to be a wine press
but it turns out to be a
printing press.  Now I have ink all over my feet and impressions of letters
in the soles of my feet.
Next time we'll have to find a different amenity to have fun at."

I know there is some use of amenity as a miscellaneous category but I don't
want to encourage it
and prefer that it be restricted to objects which fit this definition:
If we need a miscellaneous category (I don't think we do, it's just
laziness to use one) then let's be
honest about it and call it "miscellaneous" or
rather than abuse amenity.

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