> I have a question about `name=` and variants of names. I've been reading a
> lot of local history and in the architecture/history world, houses are
> generally named for the first resident that they were built for. E.g.
> "Johnson house" and are referred to in this way even after many generations
> of new owners. After adding a few of these names to the `name=
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name>` tag I realized that this
> might be problematic as `name=` seems to be given higher rendering priority
> than house number (at least on openstreetmap.org and Maps.me),
> potentially causing wayfinding confusion as addresses disappear and
> long-dead owners names start popping up.
> if a house has a name as part of the address (in place or in addition to
the number) this should be tagged as addr:housename=<house name>.
What you seem to be referring to is the house's name like name=Villa
Giovanelli Colonna, which is not part of it's street address.
This is a rendering "problem".
In the standard OSM rendering, if a building has a 'name' tag this takes
precedence over it's 'addr:number' and 'addr:housename' tags. A building
that has no 'name' tag, but has both 'addr:housenumber' and
'addr:housename' tags is rendered, correctly, with both the house number
and the house name.
The precedence of the 'name' over the 'addre:xxx' tags could be debatable.
However if you put the 'addr:housenumber' and 'addr:housename on a separate
node and 'name' on the building it depends on the geometry and zoom level.
Unless the address tags and the name tag compete for space, all tags are
rendered, otherwise the name tag takes precedence (overrides the address
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