> In a way they are all related, just like buses, streetcars and subways are
> all forms of urban public transit, but I think most people do not expect a
> motorcycle when they look for a “taxi”?
I wouldn't be comfortable to tag a station for rickshaws as amenity=taxi.
And then it renders on the map with a car icon. Unless there are stations
with mixed vehicle types (in Madagascar they always have separate dedicated
stations), wouldn't it be preferable using a different value of amenity=*
or something else and leave amenity=taxi for "taxis"?

Le sam. 5 janv. 2019 à 13:29, Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de> a écrit :

> On 05.01.19 02:19, Warin wrote:
> > On 05/01/19 10:34, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> >> taxi_type = car|motorcycle|rickshaw, etc,
> >
> > What does 'type' add to the above?
> The key taxi=* is already in use to tag access permission for taxi
> vehicles, with values such as yes|no|designated|destination|permissive.
> So adding a "_type" here avoids clashing with an existing key that has a
> different meaning and a different set of values.
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