Hello, there.

All is in the title: when hiking in a forest (I mean, an area considered as a 
forest by authorities), I often encounter other landcovers, like scrubs in 
recently teared down parcels, or scree in the mountains. These area, although, 
clearly and morphologically, not a forest, are still mapped as such, as they 
are considered to be part of the forest and are treated this may, but they are 
morphologically not the forest: the forest is the area administratively 
regarded as such, but it is not always the case; if I want, for instance, to 
map them as a scrub area of the forest, as the polygons overlapped, they are 
rendered in a mixed way. Is there a recommended way of handling such cases 
without broking display? If so, what are they? The landcover tag? 
boundary=forest_compartment? Another?

Awaiting your answers,

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