On 30.01.2019 22:41, s8evq wrote:

2) According to the wiki there's also club=youth, but it's not used and 
amenity=community_centre should be used instead.
Reading the wiki on amenity=community_centre 
"When the centre is open to general audiences (...) gathering for particular 
activities, it should be tagged amenity=community_centre. When it addresses an audience 
with specific problems, and/or is staffed with professional helpers (social workers, 
nurses), amenity=social_facility would be preferred. "
Both don't fit the case here, as these places (just like scouts) are only open 
for members.

The statement is there to distinguish between facilities where people with specific problems get help, and those you'd visit voluntarily. Thus if everybody (maybe within a specific age group) could join (i.e. become a member) of the scouts, or a sports club, than amenity=community_centre would be suitable.

There are subtags that describe the facility closer, such as
- community_centre=youth_centre
- community_centre=club_home

or the target community, such as

Adding club=scout does not hurt in you case.


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