On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 07:55, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You are living in an ideal world that does not exist.  Go to the standard 
> carto.  Use the query tool.
> All the translation mechanisms you posit do not exist.

Hey, wait a second. Most people around where I live wouldn't
understand why smaller streets in commercial or industrial areas are
"residential" in OSM. Many would not understand why the sidewalk is a
"footpath", the streetcar track a "tramway", and what exactly is a
"psv" in "except psv;bicycle"? "Mobile phone shop" isn't exactly
colloquial Canadian either.

I have also seen _many_ people put "123 Main St" into addr:street,
because that's a "street address".

Shall we get into "admin_level 9 boundary administrative place ward"?

Basing decisions of "what does query tool of openstreetmap.org website
return" sounds like a bad idea. You always need some translation from
OSM terms into local terms - if only because OSM terms tend to be
British English.


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