Sometimes a feature is so famous that people continues to use its name to
call the place even after it have been removed. For instance one would
still told their friends let's meet up next to where the McDonald's was
located. Or how transportation companies are still telling people "This bus
terminate at Daimaru department store" even though the particular store was
closed almost a quarter century ago. As long as people are still using it,
then it should be considered "current" and be mapped on OSM, even when the
feature itself have already ceased to exists.

2019年3月13日 05:58 於 "Martin Koppenhoefer" <> 寫道:

sent from a phone

> On 12. Mar 2019, at 16:15, Phake Nick <> wrote:
> It would probably be more appropriate to use lifecycle prefix if a shop
have beeb replaced by another shop. For example name=KFC+was:name=McDonald's

this is really not a suitable information for osm. We are interested in the
current state. You might find the former situation if you look at old data.

Cheers, Martin
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