On 30/03/19 10:43, Christoph Hormann wrote:
On Saturday 30 March 2019, Warin wrote:
However where the stair width is large, say 100s of meters, picking
the centre becomes harder.
That's an editor UI problem, not a data model problem.

Most renders pay no attention to the width
so the rendering is poor.
That's because almost all rendering software lacks native support for
ground unit operations so this is relatively complicated to implement.

But designing data models to work around limitations of current
software, in other words:  Suggesting mappers to invest thousands of
hours of work to spare software developers the need to learn what a
projection scale factor is, that is not an approach i would recommend.

Ok. But for edge cases of non rectangular, non even steps .. this approach 
could be a solution?

But i am getting carried away...

Feel free!
Just 'measured' the Sydney Opera House steps - 85 m wide. Certainly seems wider 
when you walk them,
and narrower when it is full of people sitting/standing to watch something.

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