From the talk here on juggling and private conversations with others there are various 'definitions' of the key 'sport' in use by OSM mappers.

There are various definitions of the word sport in various dictionaries.

The Macquarie (Australian):

List some 20 various meanings/definitions .. e.g.

16. to have or ware, especially ostentatiously or proudly

12. Biology. an animal or plant, or part of a plant that shows an unusualĀ  or singular deviation fromĀ  normal or parent type; a mutation.

Of more relevance here

1. an activity pursued for exercise or pleasure, usually requiring some degree of physical prowess

2. a particular form of such activity, such as racing, cricket, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, etc.

The Cambridge dictionary: 1) a game <>, competition <>, or activity <> needing <> physical <> effort <> and skill <> that is played <> or done according <> to rules <>, for enjoyment <> and/or as a job <>: 2) all types <> of physical <> activity <> that people <> do to keep <> healthy <> or for enjoyment <>:


So there are various definitions. Which one should OSM use?

I'll place my rough definitions here

A) A physical competition played according to rules.

B) As for A) but includes practising for the sport

c) as for B) but includes non competitive physical activity.

Thoughts? I don't want to get into individual cases, but an overall concept of this definition for the key 'sport'.

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