This week's weeklyOSM [1] included a suggestion to minimize the number of fuel:* subkeys, which reminded me that the fuel tagging situation in the United States is actually quite complicated. The same generic grade of gasoline ("regular", "mid-grade", "premium") may have a different octane rating at one gas station than the station across the street, and each state has a different standard for the minimum octane that may be labeled with a particular grade. [2] What would be sold as premium gasoline in Alaska would be regular in South Carolina.

Compounding the matter, for several years, the fuel:* wiki page has specified that octane ratings must be expressed in RON, which is used in more countries. [3] In a few countries including U.S., octane ratings are only posted in RON, not AKI. Converting between AKI and RON would require knowing the MON, which AFAICT isn't published anywhere. Wikipedia does offer estimates for regular and premium grade, but they aren't reliable or specific enough to use as subkeys. [4]

I've updated the wiki page with statistics demonstrating that octane ratings are consistently mapped based on AKI in the U.S. [5] (If I'm wrong about this, then OSM is a better resource for finding unlawful stations than lawful stations.) It stands to reason that mappers would tag what they can plainly see rather than learn the intricacies of metrology.

From a data consumer's perspective, it's unfortunate that there's no single worldwide standard. But I think more data consumers would need to differentiate between different grades in the same region than across national boundaries. If we do want to remove the current ambiguity, we could define separate fuel:ron_* and fuel:aki_* subkeys, but that seems like a lot of work for little gain.



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