
  Road hierarchy is needed for a number of things:
  * deciding which classes of roads to display on different scales in a map
  * performing road network validation
  * other tasks (f.e. typification of buildings - orientation)

  Hierarchy would be different in different context: motorcar, bicycle,
pedestrian etc. For the time being I'm only asking about motorcars.

  There is non written (or I could not find in wiki) or "de facto"
  * motorway
  * trunk
  * primary
  * secondary
  * tertiary
  * unclassified
  * residential
  * living_street
  In some regions unclassified has a higher position in hierarchy, in other
regions unclassified, residential and living_street have the same position.
This is fine for the time being.
  I'm also intentionally skipping _link classes.

  My question is about what goes further:
  track / service
  Which of them is higher?
  Does additional tags influence this? For example does adding
service=driveway reduce position in hierarchy of service road? Does any
value of tracktype change position of track road?

  And in general, is there a point of agreeing on this globally or it will
stay regional anyway?

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