I believe the tag "import=yes" was intended to be added to changesets,
to show that the changeset data was imported from some outside source.

However, it's also been used on a number of database objects directly.
I'm trying to figure out what this means, since it's one of the more
common keys that doesn't have a wiki page.

In Indonesia it's now quite common, it turns out, because there is a
team mapping roads from aerial imagery and adding "import=yes" to each

"yes that's true, tag "import=yes" is an additional tag to calculate
how many roads we already mapped. because right now we under the
project to mapping all Indonesian roads."

This seems like an inappropriate use of this tag, since tracing from
aerial imagery isn't an import.

Is there some other tag that they could use which would be clearer?

Or perhaps there is a simple way they could check changesets to find
out how many roads they have added? I'd like to suggest how they could
do this, to avoid adding extra tags.


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